- Anything But the Truth: Lies in Nonfiction
- Tin-Ears & Toss-Offs: Writing with a Disregard for Language
- The Nonfiction Novel in Verse: Tomorrow’s Genre, Today!
- Against Self-Expression
- The Epic Essay
- Regionalism as Fascism: Writing Against the Tyranny of Place
- The Grass Castle: Marijuana & Memoir
- Frisky Business: Writing Lucrative Erotica with Your Cat
- Mem-wahr or Mem-wah?: Coming to Terms
- So You Didn’t Get in to Iowa: Next Steps
- Short Talks: Making Your Public Reading Feel Less Endless
- Scrambling the Acronym: Queer Writers Queering the “Queer”
- Guide My Hand: A Poetics of the Masturbation Scene
- Magical Realism or Magic Irrealism: Must a Distinction Be Made?
- The “Writers’ Conference”: New Ideas for Bringing Writers in Conversation Together
- Meow, That Hurt!: Writing Lucrative Abuse Memoirs with Your Cat
- Plots: Why Are They So Hard to Come Up With?
- Writing What You Know: Dealing with the Void
- The End of the Poem: Getting Your Entire Public Reading Audience to Sigh and Nod
- Tricks of the Trade: Writing Solely for Money
Anyone wanna do a thing for AWP in 2012?
So many good titles there…. what about “how not to bore the bejesus out of people at your reading?” or “how to com off as a putz” or “how to ask questions in question and answer sessions” (that last one with inteactive examples from friends in the audience to demonstrate).