I like to listen to music when I write. I used to hate this, but now that I write first thing in the morning, it helps get me going. I like also not to have to worry about what sort of music I want to listen to. Usually when working on a short story, I figure out quickly which album I want playing in the background, and then stick with it for the whole project.
This would be hard to do with a whole book. I couldn’t imagine listening to one album for two years or so. So way back at the start of this project, I decided to make a playlist of every song in my iTunes that has or references an animal in its title. It was a great morning of procrastination. Now, as a series of three-minute GTD breaks, I’ve decided to post for you in alphabetical order a list of those animals represented. You’re welcome.
Continue reading On Finishing a Book I’ve Been Working on for Four Years, Part 3: Animal Songs