Got an email recently about Disquiet-Lisbon, an international literary program put on by Dzanc Books. There’s a contest you can enter to get a scholarship to go: one each in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Here’s a paragraph from the email:
Guest judges are Aimee Bender (fiction) and Brenda Shaughnessy (poetry). The winning work in each genre will be published: the fiction winner in Guernica; the nonfiction winner on; the poetry winner in Fence Magazine.
No, nonfiction. You don’t need your own judge, because you’re pretty much just true fiction, or prose poetry. Take yer pick. Oh, and a print publication? Sorry, no. That’s for the big boys.
Okay so after simple Googling it’s clear that Guernica isn’t in print either. An error and a consolation.