Die Deutschen lieben ganz vieles!
So this was a thing we’d do in 8th grade German I class, taught by Frau um … who knows. The actual East German Frau teaching German at Herndon Intermediate School in 1991 and not the—Frau Griffith!
Her name was Frau Griffith!
At any rate, Family Guy had a thing last week about a show where a German man approved a series of named things by saying “Das is gut,” which I shouldn’t have to translate. It reminded me of this thing we’d do in 8th grade German I class. Frau Griffith would go: Also! Was lieben die Deutschen?
This means: “Okay, now! What do the Germans love?”
And we’d answer in a kind of list. Here’s the list:
- Wandern
- Blumen
- Kaffee und Kuchen
- Frische Luft
- Bier
- Schokolade
- Ordnung
(i.e. hiking, flowers, coffee and cake, fresh air, beer, chocolate, and order. ORDNUNG!)
A question that was never asked = Who among earthlings doesn’t also love these things?