Quick Updates

The absence from posting for two weeks has mostly to do with the beginning of the semester and the ever-nearing end of my story collection’s revision process. Several days ago I was going to quote a nonfiction craft text and talk self-righteously about what made me angry about it, but I’ve got this new blowhard complex I’m trying to work on.

I read a bit from chapter four of The Authentic Animal as part of InDigest’s InDefinite Podcast. For silly superstitious reasons I really wished I could have been episode 22, but overall I’m glad to have been a part of it. They have an impressive lineup. Michael Kimball, Deb Olin Unferth, and my man Dave Mullins. The excerpt I read covers the World Taxidermy Championship’s trade show, and includes some animal urine.

2. I’m also trying to endorse more products on this blog, for absolutely no reason other than increased and diversified content. The davemadden.org Board of Directors had me up for a meeting, see. It’s out of my hands. Now: I don’t historically enjoy ginger ale. I was fed ginger ale when I was sick as a kid and so drinking ginger ale makes me feel nauseous, and all I want to do is lie in my parents’ bed where the cable is and watch Pinwheel and Today’s Special. But then I tasted Buffalo Rock Diet Ginger Ale, and it burnt my nose and throat and made me think some major gastric distress was about to befell me. But then in the end I felt a little better, in the stomach area and elsewhere. Did you know ginger ales have spice levels? This is spicy ginger ale. It’s not so much enjoyable to drink as it is confusingly important and healthful to have made your way through. It’s the finally reading Ulysses of ginger ales. Alabamians can find it at most grocery stores (Wal-Mart for certain). Others can order expensive cases through the Web site.

2 thoughts on “Quick Updates”

  1. The only good things about being sick as a child were watching Pinwheel and Today’s Special. To this day, I always give mannequins wearing caps a second glance.

  2. In Georgia we always drank Blenheim’s spicy ginger ale with Maker’s Mark. Wonder if you can find it in AL.

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