Do you know that The Authentic Animal is ? This means the book’s got a whole Amazon page with all of its little widgets and bits of more information than most folks want. For instance, Customers Viewing This Item [i.e., me or my mom] Also Viewed this item:
It’s a poster you can get for just $6.29.
And then here is a list of Suggested Tags [I guess for more personalized searching?] from Similar Products:
- tina fey
- 30 rock
- satire
- liberal
- humor
- anti-intellectual
- entertainers
- essays
- memoir
- overrated and not funny
O, for TAA to ever become overrated!
You, reader, are invited to start a new customer discussion right there on the page. It’s under “Customer Discussions”. So maybe you’re asking: What do customers discuss regarding nonfiction books about taxidermy they’ve not yet read, written by a guy with no other book credits? Not a clue. Here’s something being discussed over on the page for Heaven Is for Real, currently the #3 bestselling book on Amazon, which is apparently about a boy who died for a bit in the hospital maybe and saw heaven I guess?:
What if you go to heaven, then rebel and become alienated from god again? God might intend for you to do that as part of its greater plan, and you just happened to draw the short straw.
Kudos to that pronoun use, amirite?
So here’s the offer: first person to start a discussion that gets more than 20 responses wins a free signed copy of the book. No, you can’t just respond to your own discussion 20 times. Yes, you can do whatever you want to get 20 other responses. No, your discussion need not have anything to do with the book itself, or taxidermy in general. Yes, you may challenge customers’ personal conceptions of heaven. No, you ought not emotionally devastate a person.
Oh and yes, I know: this is some pretty sad hucksterism.
The ads mid-page are all for online OCD tests. Either your subtitle led to that, or Amazon has noticed your mother’s and my repeat visits.
When will we get to see the cover?
KJ: The cover should be pending. I’ve asked my publisher to send it to Amazon. Hopefully soon. How else can people judge the book, right?
I have placed my pre-order!