Here’s a joke in this week’s Women’s World, read aloud to the room today by my sister:
Q: What happens to frogs who illegally park?
A: They get toad.
It was requested by my father that she repeat it later, and people laughed genuinely at the silliness of it. The sudden wordplay. My sister looked at me expectantly. “That doesn’t make any sense,” I said.
Everyone vocally hated on me.
“You should change it to, ‘They find themselves toad’,” I said. And then I totally roflmao’d.
So, to recap:
Q: What happens to frogs who illegally park?
A: They find themselves toad.
Hollywood: I’m free this summer.
What happens to sloths who illegally park a car, a motorcycle, and a truck?
They find themselves three toed.
wokka wokka wokka
Oh, that’s quite good. If I get a gig, I’ll send you in my stead.
THAT IS WEIRD. Because my neice has told me that joke 400 times over the past 72 hours. Does she subscribe to Women’s World? She is eight.
Another holiday hit:
– What did one strawberry say to the other strawberry?
– How did we get into this jam?